62.  Porous Lanthanide-Organic Frameworks: Control over Interpenetration, Gas Adsorption, and Catalyst Properties62.pdf

      Haiyan He, Huiqing Ma, Di Sun, Liangliang Zhang, Rongming Wang, and Daofeng Sun*

      Cryst. Growth Des. 2013, 13, 3154-3161

63.  A “Strongly” Self-Catenated Metal-Organic Framework with the Highest Topological Density among 3,4-Coordinated Nets63.pdf

       Huiqing Ma,Di Sun,Liangliang Zhang,Rongming Wang,Vladislav A. Blatov,* Jie Guo,and 

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       Inorg. Chem. 2013, 52, 10732-10734

64.  A tubular europium–organic framework exhibiting selective sensing of Fe3+ and Al3+ over mixed metal ions64.pdf

    Zhen Chen, Yanwen Sun, Liangliang Zhang, Di Sun, Fuling Liu,Qingguo Meng,Rongming Wang and Daofeng Sun*

     Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 11557--11559

65. Bright-yellow to orange-red thermochromic luminescence of an AgI6–ZnII2 heterometallic aggregate65.pdf

       Di Sun,* Liangliang Zhang, Haifeng Lu, Shengyu Feng and Daofeng Sun

      Dalton Trans., 2013, 42, 3528–3532

66.  Syntheses, Topological Structures, and Photoluminescences of Six New Zn(II) Coordination Polymers Based on Mixed Tripodal Imidazole Ligand and Varied Polycarboxylates66.pdf

       Di Sun,* Zhi-Hao Yan, Vladislav A. Blatov,* Lei Wang, and Dao-Feng Sun

       Cryst. Growth Des. 2013, 13, 1277-1289

67.  Halogen Bonding in the Assembly of a 1D Cadmium(II) Polymer Based on Chlorendic Acid (HET)67.pdf

       Pei-Pei Cui, Lun-Feng Cui, Liang-Liang Zhang, and Dao-Feng Sun*

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68. Crystal structure and temperature-dependent fluorescent property of a 2D cadmium(II) complex based on 3,6-dibromobenzene-1,2,4,5-tetracarboxylic acid68.pdf

       Liang-Liang Zhang, Yu Guo, Yan-Hui Wei, Jie Guo, Xing-Po Wang *, Dao-Feng Sun*

       Journal of Molecular Structure 2013, 1038, 73–77

69. Two birds with one stone: Self-assembly of metal–organic coordination complexes with discrete metallamacrocycle and 1D zigzag chain based on a flexible dicarboxylate ligand69.pdf

       Jie Guo, Liangliang Zhang, Huiqing Ma, Zhen Chen, Di Sun, Yanhui Wei, Daofeng Sun*

       Inorganic Chemistry Communications 2013, 28, 75–80

70.  Syntheses, structures and characteristics of four metal–organic coordination polymers based on 5-hydroxyisophthalic acid and N-containing auxiliary ligands70.pdf

        Liangliang Zhang,Jie Guo, Qingguo Meng, Rongming Wangand Daofeng Sun*

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71.Anion-controlled formation of two silver lamella frameworks based on in situ ligand reaction71.pdf

    Zhen Chen, Liangliang Zhang, Fuling Liu, Rangming Wang, and Daofeng Sun*

    CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 8877–8880

72.Eight Zn(II) coordination networks based on flexible1,4-di(1H-imidazol-1-yl)butane and different     dicarboxylates: crystal structures water clusters,and topologies72.pdf

     Di Sun,* Meng-Zhen Xu, Shan-Shan Liu, Shuai Yuan, Hai-Feng    Lu, Sheng-Yu Feng and Dao-     Feng Sun

     Dalton Trans., 2013, 42, 12324–12333

73.Two birds with one stone: anion templated ball-shaped Ag56 and disc-like Ag20 clusters73.pdf

    Di Sun,* Hua Wang, Hai-Feng Lu, Sheng-Yu Feng, Zhen-Wei     Zhang,Guo-Xin Sun and Dao-Feng     Sun

    Dalton Trans., 2013, 42, 6281–6284

74.Four New Cd(II) Coordination Polymers with Mixed Multidentate N-Donors and Biphenyl-Based    Polycarboxylate Ligands: Syntheses,Structures, and Photoluminescent Properties74.pdf

     Di Sun,* Lu-Lu Han, Shuai Yuan, Yong-Kai Deng, Meng-Zhen Xu, and Dao-Feng Sun

     Cryst. Growth Des. 2013, 13, 377−385